Black Clover Chapter 340 Spoilers: Training Time!

Black Clover fans, it’s that time of the week! With this week’s chapter of Yuuki Tabata’s, now-beyond-popular series fast approaching let’s get into some leaks and what we can expect to see in chapter 340!

As always we’ve got everything you need to know and more about this week’s chapter just below! From spoilers, listicles, news, and even countdowns we’ve got everything you need to know right here on Anime Senpai!

Black Clover chapter 339

Chapter 339 Recap

Before we jump into spoilers for chapter 340, let’s do a quick recap of what went down in the latest chapter!

Chapter 339 titled, “Heavenly Severance” starts off with Asta understandably freaking out. I mean how could he not? He just witnessed an incredibly powerful technique and learnt that the one who launched it was none other than Yami’s younger sister! 

Ichika however isn’t having any of Asta’s annoying self and pushes the magic knight away by the head, just as Yami himself has done a million times. Noticing that the two are making a scene, Ryuudou grabs both of them and runs away. Taking them to Liebe, who is now, thanks to the local healer Mikuriya Fumito, fully recovered! 

With all of Asta’s concerns and questions answered the group sits down for a nice meal. However, Asta ruins the moment when he begins to freak out about the Clover Kingdom and Lucius. Tired of his whining Ichika slaps the mage across the face and basically orders him to calm down. 

Although he was just slapped in the face, Ryuudou does agree with Asta on the fact that Lucius is very powerful, which is why he and Ichika will be teaching him a new technique. Specifically, the one she used earlier, Heavenly Severance! 

Ichika demonstrates once more, this time with instructions, showing Asta as she uses ki to gather all her sorcery into her arm and release a fast-timed strike. Realizing that this is similar to the Mana Skin technique back home, Asta gives it a shot with his anti-magic and to everyone’s surprise it works! With tears in his eyes Asta thanks Ichika, thanks to her he can grow stronger once more!

Chapter 340 Spoilers

Now that we are all caught up, let’s dive right into chapter 340. Warning, however, some raws for the upcoming chapter are already out, so there are confirmed spoilers below; you have been warned.

Surprisingly, we do not yet have all the details surrounding this week’s chapter since leaks have been kept pretty close tight this week, however with that said here is what we do know so far!

  • Asta spends the chapter training with Ichika
  • He activates Devil Union, giving us a glance at his Land of the Sun outfit now equipped with devil wings
  • Ryuuya and Ichika speak of the “Heavenly Severance” technique, also known as “Zetten”
  • Asta is getting beaten pretty bad by Ichika
  • He does manage to block one attack, the shockwave of the collision sending waves through the surrounding bamboo
  • The chapter and training end with Asta landing face-first on the floor as his new mentor tells him he has much to learn

That’s about all we know so far for this week’s chapter of Black Clover! However, if more spoilers do come forward, we will be sure to update this page! Aside from that, the chapter seems relatively short but definitely looks like a fun read with all the fight choreography. If anything this training will help Asta surpass his limits!

Release Date

Black Clover chapter 340 is currently expected to release on Sunday, October 9th, 2022. As of the writing of this article, there have been no announced delays to the upcoming chapter.

Meaning that the official English release of Black Clover will most likely stick to the schedule and release as usual.

Where To Read

You can read Black Clover officially and for free on both Viz Media and Manga Plus. Of course, you can also read the series through the recently launched Manga Plus app. Please try to read the series officially, as this supports both the author and allows them to create more stories.

Let us know what you think of this week’s chapter in the comments below. For more news about everything anime and manga, visit our main Anime Senpai page! We have new articles daily, so check them out!

We will be back next week with even more Black Clover content so stay tuned till then!

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