Blue Lock is a Japanese shōnen manga series written by Muneyuki Kaneshiro and drawn by Yūsuke Nomura. After the Japanese team’s strong showing in the Soccer World Cup, Blue Lock’s popularity has skyrocketed. Blue Lock’s episode 12 release is just around the corner, and here is everything you need to know about it.
The latest episode of the popular series begins with Isagi saving a last-ditched shoot from Nagi, who was about to score the game’s winning goal.
After retaking the possession, team z immediately counterattacks team v, who desperately tries to stop them, even deciding to foul the players if it means it can stop them.
After a spectacular team effort by team z, it looked like the goal was about to arrive until Isagi realized he wasn’t the only one chasing the ball.
As Isagi was about to receive the ball, he sensed Nagi just behind him, waiting for the ball to touch the ground so he could kick it out of play.
He only had a few seconds to decide what he should do next, and he finally completed his formula and decided to shoot it.
The shoot ends up in the back of the goal, and team z barely survives the first selection and starts preparing for the second selection process.
One of the biggest surprises of the series arrived when the players were informed that there were no buildings except one.
The following selection process has already begun, and according to the management, the difficulty level is extremely high.
Preview Images
Blue Lock episode 12 preview images have been released.
Release Date And Time
Blue Lock episode 12 is scheduled to be released on Saturday, December 24, 2022. Crunchyroll will be streaming the anime to North American fans. Muse Asia and Netflix will be streaming the series in selected regions.
Blue Lock episode 12 release time for the international audience is as follows:
- Pacific Time: 9:30 AM PDT
- Central Time: 11:30 AM CDT
- British Time: 5:30 PM GMT
- European Time: 6:30 PM CEST
- Indian Time: 10:00 PM IST
- Eastern Time: 12:30 PM EST
- Philippines Time: 12:30 AM
Where to watch:
The original television network for this anime in Japan is TV Asahi. Its English television network in Southeast Asia is Animax Asia.
Crunchyroll has a license for Blue Lock outside Asia, and the Media link supports this show in South Asia.
Well, the availability of these platforms will depend on your location. So, check out whether it is available for your region or not.