Famous manga artist, Fujiko A Fujio, known for creating hit manga series like “Ninja Hattori-kun” and “The Laughing Salesman,” and co-creator of Doreamon series, passed away at the age of 88. He died at his home in Kawasaki, near Tokyo, according to the police.
Police were informed Thursday morning that the mangaka had collapsed at his home. When the police officers arrived at the scene, Fujiko already passed away. Police are investigating the cause of the death. The initial examination revealed that there were no signs of external injury.
In 2008, Fujiko A. Fujio was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette.
Fujiko A. Fujio, whose real name was Motoo Abiko, worked with childhood friend Fujiko F. Fujio, the late creator of the famed cartoon series “Doraemon.”, which is one of the most popular animated series around the world. Doraemon manga ran from 1970 to 1996. The pair worked together until parting ways in 1987.
Ninja Hattori-kun was the 2nd most successful manga series (after Doraemon), which inspired a TV anime series in 1981. The series also got 3 anime films, and a live action film in 2004.
Source: TBS