Fans of One Piece manga series are familiar that after releasing 3 continuous manga chapters, the creator of the series, Eiichiro Oda usually takes 1 week off, in order to rest and think about where to take the story. However, Oda will be taking a 1 month break, In order to prepare for the ‘Final Saga’ of One Piece.
The official Twitter account of One Piece manga revealed that the manga series will go on a 1 month break as Oda is preparing for the 25th anniversary celebration of One Piece, and for the manga’s ‘final saga’. There are still 2 manga chapters to be released before the break begins, as One Piece will go on break on June 27 in the 30th issue of Weekly Shonen Jump. The manga series will return on July 25 with chapter 1054.
According to a comment made by Oda, several people warned him that this summer will be tough as he is going to be busy with the manga’s 25th anniversary celebration, One Piece film Red opens in theatres, his plan to go to Africa to oversee the production of One Piece live action, and end of Wano Arc will be taking place at the same time. These people asked Oda to take a break from drawing the manga, but at first, Oda was against it. But, later he decided that he needs some time for the preparation, so he has decided to take a break. Unfortunately, Oda won’t be going to Africa to One Piece live action set because of the pandemic.
One Piece will reveal the cast member of Uta and Gordan for One Piece Film Red on Wednesday. A new trailer for the film, and a new poster drawn by Eiichiro Oda will be revealed as well. One Piece film Red will be released on August 6 in Japan. There is no worldwide release date for the film, currently.
What are your thoughts on this One Piece break? Let us know your opinion in the comment section.