Tokyo Revengers is one of the franchises that has gained immense popularity after receiving an anime adaptation. The series tells a story about friendship, and gang culture. After getting inspired by Tokyo Revengers, a group of teenagers tried to imitate the story in real life, which got them arrested.
On June 6, the Osaka Prefectural Police announced that 31 men and women between the ages of 16 and 20, including a 17-year-old teenager from Osaka Prefecture, had been sent to the Sakai Police Station, from the Osaka District Procuratorate on suspicion of violating the traffic law (joint dangerous acts, etc.) for recklessly driving 19 motorcycles.
According to the Japanese police, all detainees admitted to the charges and some of them explained that they were influenced by the anime Tokyo Revengers, which is based on a popular manga in which the protagonist must join a gang of criminals and bikers to save his girlfriend. “It was like in the anime, scary, but fun” commented one of the detainees.
A security camera footage has been released where at 1 minute 10 second, you can see the motorcycle group breaking multiple red lights. The gang of 31 were mainly high school classmates who organized this event via social media.
Ken Wakui began publishing the manga in Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Magazine in March 2017. An anime adaptation of twenty-four episodes produced by LIDEN FILMS studios, under the direction of Koichi Hatsumi and scripts written by Yasuyuki Muto, premiered in the Spring-2021 season (April-June) in Japan. Crunchyroll handled its distribution worldwide, and the original manga is currently in its final stretch.
Source: Sankei