Attack on Titan gets a perfect score of 10/10 on the biggest reviewin platform, IMDb. So far, more than 11,000 people have voted for the episode and Attack on Titan episode titled “Assault” is holding a perfect score.
Attack on Titan Trended Worldwide
Attack on Titan trended worldwide on Twitter after the episode premiered in Japan. Fans from all over the world tweeted with hastags #armin #zeke #levi and #eren. Fans also praised Mappa studio as this episode was aruably the best episode so far of the season.
Getting straight to the point, we finally get to know the purpose of attacking liberio. It was to destroy the military power of marley with the power of colossal titan and to do that they needed a diversion. Eren’s surprising attack meant to lure the navy of the marley close to port and it worked.
We also saw colossal titans destroying the port and that scene was just horrific. Armin finally got to know how Bertholt would have felt like when he attacked paradise. Colossal Titan was 2d animated and animation was quite well done.

Eren, Reiner & Jaw Titan
The most shocking scene of all was Eren using Jaw Titan to eat War Hammer Titan. Eren first completely made Jaw Titan unable to move by breaking apart his hand while cut out his legs. Eren proceeded to use Jaws of the Jaw Titans to break the crystal of Lara Tyber. The crystal was completely crushed. Honestly, that scene might completely change how fans look at Eren.

In a very difficult situation where Jaw Titan was about to be eaten by Eren, Reiner comes to the rescue. This is all thanks to the Gabi and Falco shouting Reiner’s name for help. Fans are hopeful to see the epic rematch between the Armored Titan and Attack Titan in the next episode.
Episode 8 of the final season is title “Assassin’s Bullet” and is scheduled to release on Sunday, December 31.
This is the best episode and probably the most intense scene of all time #thankyouMAPPA