The anime series based on Hajime Isayama’s hit manga series, Attack on Titan, will return on March 4th. Attack on Titan’s final season part 3 will air in 2 parts. The first part will be broadcasted on March 4th, while the second part (finale) will release later in 2023. Crunchyroll will be streaming the upcoming anime season to worldwide fans.
A new promotional video has been released by the official Mappa’s YouTube channel, which features the events exactly where the anime left off in the previous season. The rumbling continues to trample the outside world, showing the people’s suffering. On the other side, the trailer features child version of Eren Yeager completely unfazed by everything. The only dialogue in the trailer is from Child Eren saying, “This is freedom”.
Despite the controversial ending of Attack on Titan manga, it is still one of the most popular anime and manga franchises worldwide. In his recent tour to the US, Hajime Isayama admitted that he is aware of the controversial ending of Attack on Titan. Isayama began publishing the manga in Bessatsu Shonen Magazine in Sept 2009, and ended the series in April 2021.
Wit Studio picked up the manga for an anime adaptation and successfully animated the first 3 seasons. However, Wit Studio could not continue the anime adaptation due to some issues. Mappa Studio started animating the manga from season 4 onwards. The first part of the fourth season aired in Dec 2020 (16 episodes), followed by 2nd part in January 2022 (12 episodes). The final part of season 4 will air in two further parts. Attack on Titan’s final season part 3’s first part will air on March 4, followed by the 2nd part, which will air sometime later in 2023.
What are your thoughts on Mappa releasing the fourth season in so many parts? Let us know your opinion in the comment section down below.