Anime director, Taiki Nishimura, who is known for directing several episodes of Boruto: Naruto Next Generation, revealed via his Twitter account that he will finally be able to reveal the name of the studio that did not pay salary for a project that was produced two and a half year ago.
I’ll do it. The company that produced the animation that did not pay the production fee two and a half years ago will be published in a general weekly magazine under its real name
Taiki Nishimura further said that after consulting with his lawyers about the possibility of criminal charges against the studio. According to Taiki, the studio also distributed DVD packages without the staff a single penny, and that is why they will appeal to parent company, and DVD distribution companies as well.
“Also, they distributed the DVD packages without paying us a penny, so we also have to appeal to the union of the parent company and the respective distribution companies. They should have never underestimated us,” he wrote on Twitter.
As the director revealed that the project in question was produced around two and a half year ago. In 2019, he was credited as a Director for Boruto episode (studio Pierrot), and Bermuda Triangle: Colorful Pastrale (Seven Arc Pictures).
In September 2021, Taiki criticized studios for giving low salaries to anime directors. In a series of Tweets, he revealed that Studio’s have a written contract with employees. So if the project schedule gets longer, you won’t get any extra money. Taiki said that he was contracted for 3 month project for 240,000 yen ($2100 US), but the project took 10 months to complete, but they didn’t get any additional pay.
“The animation production schedule gets longer and the director doesn’t get any extra money. It went from 240,000 yen (just over US$2,100) for a three-month project to the same 240,000 yen in ten months without us knowing. If you only take one project, you won’t even have enough to eat, and if you take more than one, you’ll collapse from overwork and end up in the ambulance . This is the animation industry” the director posted on Twitter.
Source: Official Twitter Account