Both Funimation And Crunchyroll Are Now Owned By Sony

Sony’s Funimation group have finally bought Crunchyroll for the price of US 1.175 billion dollars. All the amount was paid in cash to AT&T group. It is expected that AT&T will use this amount to pay its debt.

Furthermore, the announcement did not reveal whether both platforms, Crunchyroll and Funimation would merge or not. As of writing, it is not clear whether this deal will affect subscription prices for both platforms. Here’s how Crunchyroll announced this news on their platform:

The two brands you know and love will be working together, and we believe this is a great thing for fans and the industry, alike! Both teams are knowledgeable, passionate, and have been committed to the anime community for decades. We couldn’t ask for better partners.

We know you may have questions! Today we begin the work of bringing two awesome teams together to bring you more of what you love. Thank you for your trust and support!

President and CEO of Sony also commented on this occasion:

We are very excited to welcome Crunchyroll to the Sony Group. Anime is a rapidly growing medium that enthralls and inspires emotion among audiences around the globe. The alignment of Crunchyroll and Funimation will enable us to get even closer to the creators and fans who are the heart of the anime community. We look forward to delivering even more outstanding entertainment that fills the world with emotion through anime

How Will This Change Anime Industry?

Sony’s owned Funimation have a history of censoring certain things during dubbing. Now that Sony owns Crunchyroll as well, fans should be ready to see a little more censorship. On the brighter side, we could also get sub and dub Anime releases at the same time, or both Funimation and Crunchyroll platforms could be merged, giving fans a wider catalogue of anime at the same price.

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