Mappa Is Opening Up A New Studio And Recruiting Animators

Studio Mappa is one of the biggest anime studio’s in the business right now. With, Mappa Studio animating so many projects simultaneously, including Jujutsu Kaisen season 2, Attack on Titan final season, and upcoming Chainsaw Man, Mappa is hiring new animators.

Earlier today, Mappa Studio announced that it will establish a new studio which will specialize in CGI department. The CGI department is divided into 6 sub departments: 3DCG, background, finishing, shooting, editing, and design.

Mappa has established the new studio in Osaka, so that the animators and students who live in Kansai region could work in the anime industry without leaving their hometown. On the official website, Mappa has also opened up the recruitment process for the animators in CGI department.

Director of Mappa, Yusuke Tannawa commented that 80% of the staff of the CGI department works from home, but the corporate culture is rooted in the minds of many, and most of the staff will rather go to work in the Studio. With the establishment of the new studio, it will be possible to select a living area that suits your lifestyle in the future.

Mappa Studio was founded in June 2011. Mappa has studios in Tokyo and Sendai, and Osaka will be the third studio. The company has currently 250 salaried employees. The studio is known for anime like Yuri on Ice, Attack on Titan final season, and Jujutsu Kaisen.

What do you think will be the impact of opening up a new studio? Do you think the production quality will get better? Let us know your opinion in the comment section.

Source: Mantan Web

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