All Might and All For One have been at each other throats for quite a while now, and after an extensive wait of two weeks, My Hero Academia is returning from its hiatus.
Fans were waiting anxiously for another chapter after the end of chapter 399 on a cliffhanger.

As it is a custom now, the spoilers of My Hero Academia chapter 400 have been leaked. In this article, we will be covering all of the spoilers for the next chapter of MHA that have surfaced. My Hero Academia chapter 400 is scheduled to be released on September 18, 2023.
However, before discussing the spoilers for My Hero Academia chapter 400, here is a short and major recap of chapter 399, so you do not have to read it yourself!
My Hero Academia Chapter 399 Recap:
Chapter 399, titled “Organic, Mingling Clusters of Light,” began with All Might escaping from the top of UA’s building using Tentacoles and Froppy’s suction cups. But, it was all for nothing as All For One managed to find him.
AFO chases All Might throughout the city but manages to smash him down, seriously injuring him. The chapter then cuts to Aoyama, who is indulged in his fight against Kuneida. Kuneida has defeated numerous heroes and is now onto Aoyama.
Kuneida calls Aoyama’s quirk useless and broken, which can not work without an amplifier belt that his parents give him. Listening to this, Aoyama fires his naval laser, and it goes berserk as his belt is broken.
Hagakure appears behind Kuneida and uses a mirror to reflect the laser to attack Kuneida, knocking him down. The chapter then cuts back to the fight between All Might and AFO, where All Might uses a quirk prototype similar to Aoyama, and the chapter ends.
Now that the recap is covered, here are all of the spoilers that have been leaked, thanks to the Twitter/X user @RukasuMHA.
My Hero Academia Chapter 400 Spoilers:
According to the spoilers, My Hero Academia chapter 400 will be titled “Limits,” it begins with Aoyama seeing Hagakure and embarrassingly running away without her quirk.
Her quirk most likely glitched out due to the adrenaline of risking her life.
Hagakure noticed that Aoyama’s laser has gotten more robust, and now both of them need to focus on beating Kuneida’s plants.
Even though Kuneida is unconscious, his plants continue to grow. Aoyama says he will give his all, and then the chapter cuts back to the rematch between AFO and All Might.
At the end of the last chapter, All Might uses an attack called ‘Star Burst’ similar to Aoyama’s laser. All Might use this to damage AFO severely. All For One tries to run away, but All Might manages to stop him using Earjack’s sound waves.
All For One tries to punch All Might, but he manages to block by using Tailman, but his lower body is almost obliterated.
All Might is still laughing and calls AFO an idiot as he did not aim for his head. AFO then continues attacking All Might using tendrils, damaging him severely.
All Might’s armor is critically destroyed, but he still laughs to taunt AFO. The car attacking lasers on AFO is destroyed, and he is freed. AFO is now damaged enough to look like a child. This proves All Might’s theory that he gets younger with each attack implemented.
The chapter ends with an arm-like creature coming out of All For One’s back, and later, his body suddenly freezes. Hero-killer Stain marks his return, licks AFO’s blood, and says, “GO! ALL MIGHT!” It is speculated that the series will have another break in the upcoming week.
Also Read: My Hero Academia Prequel Manga Reportedly Getting Anime Adaptation
Where To Read?
My Hero Academia chapter 409 will be released on September 11, 2023, at Midnight PM JST.
The upcoming chapter of the series will be published on the Manga Plus app and Viz Media’s website. Please support the series by reading it on the official sources and purchasing a copy if it is available in your area since that motivates the author to craft more great stories like this!
We will keep you updated as more information about the chapter comes out!