No One Wants Writing Credit For The Promised Neverland Season 2 Episode 10

Apparently The Promised Neverland show has become such a mess that no one wants the writing credit for the recently released episode 10. The Promised Neverland episode 10 do not have any credited screenwriter.

For the overall series composition, Toshiya Ono (who wrote the first four episodes) is still credited but the individual credit for episode 10 is missing. The most shocking thing is that the “Series Composition” credit for manga creator Kaiu Shirai is also missing from episode 10. Some fans think that the episode 10 might have been created without a script or the show has gotten so bad that no one wants to be credited.

credit: Yuyucow

Episode 10 Review

The penultimate episode of the Promised Neverland Season 2 was honestly a letdown. It revolves around Emma and the gang going back to the farms to rescue the rest of the kids who are trapped. Although there’s great spectacle in the form of some neat action sequences, these lack any sort of substance since the story isn’t sufficient to support the greater narrative. The issues that have plagued this season since the beginning such as poor pacing and rushed story have come back to haunt this episode giving us a very unsatisfying ending. Overall, this show is not in a good position moving into its season finale. 

Something Positive For Once

First, I’ll give credit where credit is due, the action sequences were really nice and very entertaining. This season has definitely had some mixed results when it comes to animations but I would say that these fall on the better end of the spectrum and were actually really nice to look at. I also liked the clever use of tactics shown such as sending decoy balloons in first to distract the guards. It makes the fight scenes more entertaining since there actually having to come up with a strategy instead of just slugging it out with the enemy. Another scene that I thought was cool was the one where the kids waited for the lights to go out before making their escape. I legitimately felt hyped during that scene. There is a lot of nice action here but as I’ll show soon, this action is wasted by the poor story. 

Source: Crunchyroll

The Ruin of Isabelle

The worst part of this episode was the ending where they were trapped underground. To be frank it was dumb and the whole scene had me scratch my head with bewilderment. First, Isabelle turns out to be one of the good guys and joins the kids’ side. I simply do not understand why she would join their side in the first place. She says that she doesn’t like how the farms are run but what does that mean? Does that mean that she doesn’t like that kids are being slau*ht*red or she thinks that the farms are inefficient? Is she going to open up her own farm now? Her motivations in this scene are just so vague that it’s very hard to get invested in what’s going on.

And this just gets into the root of her character’s problem this season (and a problem of a lot of things in this season). That being she has had barely any screen time this whole season. At best we have seen maybe a couple of scenes of her up to this point. This means that there is no time to properly develop her character. From the point of view of the audience, it appears as if her character hasn’t changed at all. We don’t see her having any regret for all the kids she had ki**ed. She doesn’t have any sort of introspective moment where she evaluates her own morals. She doesn’t have any moment of genuine character development in this season that would make her betrayal believable. For me, she just comes off as this very cliched “I’m bad but now I’m good for some reason now”.

Compare this to Isabelle in season 1. She was such an intimidating antagonist that had a tremendous presence whenever she was on screen. She served as such a perfect foil for our trio of protagonists, especially against Emma. Yet she was also such a compelling character since you would have probably done the same things that she had done if you were in her shoes which makes her decisions understandable and therefore makes the conflict in the story more interesting. And for those who will argue that season 1 gave her enough of an excuse to help them, it is important to remember that letting them escape in a way where there’s plausible deniability during a moment of sympathy is different from openly rebelling against the farms. There needs to be more work put into making me believe she would do such a thing that the show doesn’t provide.    

And even if she did have some good reason for joining their side (which is not clearly explained) that still leaves open the question of why the other mothers would join her in rebelling against the farm. Did they have the same experience as her? Siding with the kids would be a great risk on their part so there needs to be a very good justification for them to betray the demons which they never provide. It seems this show just wants you to believe that all of what is possible without putting any work into making any sense. Overall, in my opinion, this season has ruined one of the best female antagonists in anime.

The Demons: Friends or Enemies?

The second baffling part was when all of the demon civilians came to the farm to help the kids. I personally found this to be completely unbelievable. Wasn’t it only a few days ago that these same humans launched an at*ack on their community in an attempted ge*oc*de. I know that they did stop the attack and that they used the demon blood to make them stop eating humans but still Norman and others caused a lot of damage in their attack and some demons were ki**ed in this attack. At the very least they would still feel some animosity towards them or at the worst would h*te Norman and his friends for trying to ki** them all. Given the circumstances, I could not imagine them being willing to risk life and limb for people who just tried to ki** them.

And even if they didn’t need to eat human meat anymore, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll start to like humans. These demons have been eating people for thousands of years. You’re not just going to get rid of that long legacy in a few days. They’re probably going to maintain their belief that humans are inferior and nothing more than a food source.

Source: Crunchyroll

A Disappointing Antagonist

And finally, I’d like to talk about the main antagonist for this season, Peter Ratri. Even in the episode where he gets the most screen time, he still feels underwhelming. He honestly feels like a cartoon bad guy rather than a real character. That’s probably because we have seen so little of him in this season. In fact, if my memory serves me right, we haven’t seen him do anything bad on screen. Yes, we’ve been told he has done evil deeds but that’s the problem. We are told but not shown. This makes him feel far less of a threat than he should be. He is neither as intimidating or as frightening as Isabelle was in season 1. He has no screen presence or anything that makes him even somewhat interesting. He honestly just feels like an irrelevant side character rather than a real threat to the main cast.  

Overall, this episode of the Promised Neverland Season 2 continues to remain decent at best. Sure, it wasn’t bad but it isn’t enough to be ok when it’s the sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed anime of the 2010s. This is the penultimate episode, the one that is supposed to get you hyped up and ready for the big finale yet I’m personally not feeling any sort of excitement at all. To me, this feels like just another generic action anime rather than the masterpiece that was the first season. Maybe I’m wrong and the last episode will be epic but given the current track record of the show, I’m not holding out any hope.

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