For the very first time, we started watching anime. Sometimes we ask ourselves, how can we be a part of the anime and manga industry? To be able to do what we love for a lifetime while still getting paid. Till now, there was no institution which was offering a degree in anime and manga, but this situation has changed as one university in Japan will start offering a major in anime and manga very soon.
According to a post by Crunchyroll, Kaishi Professional University that is located in Niigata Prefecture announced on Nov 18, 2020 that Japan’s Ministry of Education, Sports, Science, and Technology have actually given the university go-ahead for the establishment of Anime and Manga department.
According to the sources, Kaishi Professional University’s Anime and Manga department will open in April 2021. University will start accepting admission applications from Tuesday, December 1, 2020. The entrance examination will be taken on Saturday, December 19, 2020.
The first batch of anime and manga department will intake only 80 students. They will be able to learn about anime and manga from the expert authors, illustrators, and manga researchers of the industry. Students also may get the chance to meet their favorite mangaka or illustrator.
Sadly this major in anime and manga is only for Japanese residence for now. It is believed that Kaishi Professional University will expand its services to Foreign Students as well after the success of the first batch of anime and manga students.
The question is, would you consider getting a degree in anime and manga? After all, Japan is known for its tough work environment, and animators are often underpaid as well. This degree might not get you a high paying job. Would you still do it?