“The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today” is a comedy anime series that was one of the most enjoyable series that aired in Summer Season 2023. The first season ended after the airing of the 13th episode.
Fans now want to know if this series will get a sequel. Here is everything we know so far.
“The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today” had a little “slice-of-life” touch, making the series more enjoyable. And just like “The Sacrificial Princess and The King of Beasts,” this series was also an excellent addition to the anthropomorphic genre (centered around human-sized animals).
The series follows the story of Saku, an office lady who adopts a stray black cat named “Yukichi.”
The next day, Yukichi grows into a giant human-sized cat that takes care of the housework for Saku. Together, every day is a story full of encounters that both enjoy.
“The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today” continued its airing from July 8, 2023, to September 30, 2023.
Animation Studio “GoHands” was responsible for animating this series, as they also animated “The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses” in the same season.
Sequel for “The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today”
“The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today” has not received any official confirmation regarding season 2.
Although the series wasn’t included in the Highest Rated Anime Series of Summer, it was included in the Highest Rated Anime Non-Sequels of Summer Season.
So, in hopes of a possible sequel announcement, keep visiting the official Twitter Account of the anime series.
Twitter (which is now also known as X) is the most reliable source for sequel announcements, as official Twitter accounts of anime series announce their sequel first on this platform.
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“The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today” Manga after the First Season
“The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today” is the anime adaptation of the manga series of the same name.
It is written and illustrated by Hitsuji Yamada and has released eight volumes. The first five volumes were adapted in the first season of this series.
You can start reading the manga from the 6th volume if you can’t wait for the sequel announcement. The manga received an English Serialization from “Seven Seas Entertainment.”
Six volumes have been officially translated and are available for you to purchase on Amazon.
Season 2 Potential Release Date
As The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today, season 2 is yet to get officially announced; there is no release date yet. However, we can try to take a guess when season 2 will air.
According to estimate, the release date of Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today sequel to be somewhere near the start of 2025 (Summer / Fall of 2025).
This potential release date is based on the fact that the preparation of 12 anime episodes takes 12-18 months minimum; this much time should be enough for a sequel release.
Reception Amongst The Anime Community
“The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today” received above average on most rating platforms. Some of them include the following:
- AniList: 7.3/10
- MyAnimeList: 7.6/10
- IMDB: 7.3/10
- Anitrendz‘s Weekly Popularity Ranking (optimal performance): 12th position
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Sales of the Manga Series
“The Masterful Cat is Depressed Agan Today” manga series wasn’t included in Oricon’s Top 30 Best Selling Manga Series in September. It was also not included in Amazon’s Top 50 Best-Selling Teen & Adult Manga Series.
So, the sequel hopes now reside on this anime series’s Blu-ray & DVD sales. As four volumes, the Blu-ray & DVD box sets will go on sale from September 27, 2023, to October 25, 2023.
Where to Watch The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today?
The streaming services that stream this anime series weekly include Ani-One Asia (YouTube Channel), Crunchyroll, and Netflix. So, these services will return and stream the potential sequel for “The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today.”