Chainsaw Man anime has released a new trailer ahead of October 12 premiere on Crunchyroll. The new trailer features the opening theme song “KICK BACK” by Kenshi Yonezu. Chainsaw Man anime is listed with 12 episodes, and will have 12 different ending songs from artist like Aimer, TK from Ling tosite Sigure etc.
Kishibe will be voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda. The information was revealed during the special screening event of the first two Chainsaw Man anime episode in Japan, held for 300 lucky winners who were chosen by a lottery.
Chainsaw Man ending theme song all 12 artists have been revealed:
Artists ED for all 12 episodes: – ano – Eve – Aimer – Kanaria – syudou – QUEEN BEE – ZUTOMAYO – TK from Ling tosite sigure – TOOBOE – Vaundy – PEOPLE 1 – MAXIMUM THE HORMONE.
The story follows Denji, a young man who simply wants to live a happy life with the lady he loves. However, he is forced to slaughter devils (to pay his debts) with the help of his pet devil, Pochita. Due to a series of bad occurrences, Denji becomes attached with his pet devil, granting him the ability to change his body parts into a Chainsaw.
At Mappa Studio, Ryu Nakayama (who also directed Jujutsu Kaisen episode 19) is directing the Chainsaw Man anime series (known for animating Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan). The screenplay is being written by Hiroshi Seko. He also contributed to the films Mob Psycho and Jujutsu Kaisen.
One of the most anticipated new anime series of 2022 is Chainsaw Man. Because of the great success of the manga, fans believe that the anime series will be as successful as some of the industry’s biggest names, such as Jujutsu Kaisen, Black Clover, and My Hero Academia.