In the world of modern Otaku culture, anime studios have gained immense popularity, with many people filtering shows based on anime studio. Despite the abundance of anime studios, only a select few manage to stand out by doing things differently and more efficiently than their peers. However, one studio that even newcomers to the anime world are aware of is Studio MAPPA. With some of the most popular anime series of this era under their belt, they have firmly established themselves as a household name.
A recent poll was conducted by the trendy Japanese forum Mynavi, asking Japanese anime fans to rate the best anime that are animated by Studio Mappa. The poll was conducted in Japan between December 26, 2022, and January 16, 2023, and strict measures were taken to ensure a fair and unbiased voting process. Despite expectations, Chainsaw Man was left out of the top five.
Almost 8000 votes were collected from this poll, and the results were published on February 2 2023. The most shocking thing about these results is that “Chainsaw Man” is not even mentioned in the list, despite its popularity before its anime adaptation.
The list of the top 5 anime series done by Studio MAPPA are:
Position in the Poll | Anime Title | Votes Percentage |
1st | Yuri!!! On Ice | 37% votes |
2nd | Banana Fish | 14% votes |
3rd | Jujutsu Kaisen | 13% votes |
4th | Attack on Titan: Final Season | 6% votes |
5th | Zombieland Saga | 6% votes |
As we can see, Yuri!!! On Ice won by a landslide of 13 times more votes than the second position holder, Banana Fish.
Why is Chainsaw Man not present on the list?
The biggest shocker for anyone reading this list would be the absence of Chainsaw Man from the list. Although Chainsaw Man was not doing that well on the ratings on MAL during its airing, it’s still one of the most popular anime in the west. So, where did everything go wrong?
Well, it turns out that the biggest reason for this is that this poll was conducted in Japan strictly. And anime fans would be aware that Japanese fans have a slightly different preferences when it comes to anime taste. We also know the Blu-ray DVD sales of Chainsaw Man anime didn’t go well in Japan, and a petition was also started by a Japanese fan to reanimate the Chainsaw Man anime. So you can imagine the rest yourself.
Had this poll been conducted on an international scale, it is likely that the Chainsaw Man anime would have made the list. This is due to the fact that many individuals have defended the series’ use of CGI-based animation, indicating a strong following outside of Japan.
The Chainsaw Man anime garnered significant attention and was even featured in headlines for being the most pirated anime series of 2022 in the U.S. This strongly indicates the series’ popularity in the west.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree that Chainsaw Man Anime Adaptation was not worth the wait? Let us know in the comments down below. We here at Anime Senpai would love to know what you think!
Source: Mynavi MAPPA Poll