Chainsaw Man has quickly established itself within the Otaku community through its innovative “Devil Power-Scale System”. This power system takes everyday fears, such as darkness, bombs and chainsaws, and gives them devilish forms, setting Chainsaw Man apart from other series.
While we wait for confirmation of more episodes of Chainsaw Man, here are the top 10 devils in the Chainsaw Man series.
This list might contain spoilers from the Chainsaw Man manga, so you have been warned.
10. Doll Devil

- Devil Nature: True Devil (Can Make Contracts with Humans in exchange for something from them)
I have brought you Chainsaw’s heart as per contract. Please give me the power to kill Makima.
Doll Devil to the Darkness Devil in Hell.
Doll Devil embodies the fear of dolls. It is the only Devil in the franchise that has not made a visible appearance. It always appears by taking over the body of some humans. And just as the name sounds, it can turn humans into dolls. If some other human touches such a doll, the same happens. The dolls made from Doll Devil’s power can turn their hands into blades.
Doll Devil has a contract with Santa Claus (as shown in the picture). Other than that, no person has made a contract with this Devil. What makes this Devil terrifying is what would be its natural form. Fujimoto-sensei left it to readers’ imagination to speculate about its natural form. It might be a doll in real or something even creepier.
9. Cosmos Devil (Cosmo)

- Devil Nature: Fiend (Cannot make contracts with Humans)
You are about to acquire total understanding of everything in this universe. Onece you understand everything, YOU CAN ONLY THINK OF HALLOWEEN UNTIL YOU DIE!!
Cosmo to Santa Claus when they enter Cosmo’s mind
Cosmos Devil embodies the fear of knowledge. Cosmo is one of the harem members of Quanxi (The Crossbow Devil). Her face is messed up with heart-shaped pupils, and her brain is sticking out of her skull. Her speech always consists of one word, “Halloween”. Her powers enable her to send anyone into her mind, where she forces the knowledge of the whole universe into them until they become paranoid and can only remember the word “Halloween”.
Cosmos is always in control of Quanxi and does anything she says. Although she is not capable of speech, when she sends her opponent into her mind, she can speak like an average person. The strange thing about cosmos is that she has knowledge of the whole universe. Instead of using this knowledge against other practices, she uses it to make others paranoid.
8. Curse Devil

- Devil Nature: True Devil (Can Make Contracts with Humans in exchange for something from them)
Curse Devil embodies the fear of curses. It has a two-headed skull with the appearance of a skeleton. When a person is stabbed four times with a needle, the Curse Devil appears behind them. It lifts the person and crushes them while biting into their neck and shoulder region. This refers to the folk tale “Ushi-no-Toki-Miari”, in which a woman curses a tree by inserting a needle in it four times.
Curse Devil has made contracts with Aki Hayakawa (which he uses against Katana Devil) and Santa Claus (which is used against Denji). Santa Claus used needles to summon the Curse Devil, while Aki used a needle-shaped sword to call the Curse Devil during his fight.
7. Angel Devil (Angel)

- Devil Nature: True Devil (Can Make Contracts with Humans in exchange for something from them
I am an Angel, afterall
When Makima sarcastically commended her on being a kind devil
Angel Devil embodies the fear of Angels. In the series, he possesses a male who is named Angel. Its wielder has two wings on its back and a halo on its head, just like an angel. The main power of this Devil is that it can reduce the lifespan of its opponent on will, and anyone who touches it has its lifespan reduced in a matter of seconds.
Angel is a Public Safety Officer, just like Denji, and can make lifespan-draining spears with his powers. His personality is pretty dull, and he prefers peach over violence. The concept of a devil having the capabilities of an angel is rather odd, as such a being is commonly referred to as Fallen Angel in Christian methodology. This makes him so intriguing and powerful.
6. Punishment Devil

- Devil Nature: True Devil (Can Make Contracts with Humans in exchange for something from them
Punishment Devil embodies the fear of punishment. This Devil appeared only once though out the series when Makima summoned it against the Gun Devil. People who have made a contract with this Devil in the past are Michiko Tendo and Yutaro Kurose (Public Safety Officers). The body structure of Punishment Devil comprises several distorted human bodies, each with a different weapon.
The extent of Punishment Devil’s power is unknown as he has only appeared once throughout the story. This Devil tortured the Gun Devil so much that it became a fiend from its original devil form. The Gun devil entered the body of Aki Hayakawa afterwards. This makes the punishment devil so menacing as it tortured such a powerful devil and was only summoned once.
5. Gun Devil

- Devil Nature: True Devil (Becomes a Fiend after its fight with the Punishment Devil)
10 November 1984: The Gun Devil hit Japan for 26 seconds killing 57,912 people
News when Gun Devil attacked Japan
Gun Devil embodies the fear of guns. It is considered the main antagonist in the anime but is the secondary antagonist. He has killed millions of people throughout history, making guns so terrifying that guns are not even owned by police officers now. Its devil form consists of a massive torso with building-sized rifles attached to him and an upper torso with countless screaming heads.
Gun Devil is tracked by bullets as bullets are the flesh of this Devil, and whenever Gun Devil moves, the bullets throughout the world move in that direction. In his fiend form (which he was reduced to by the Punishment Devil), he makes his wielder’s personality cocky, and the hands of the wielder become rifles. The President of America is the only person we know who made a contract with this Devil.
4. Hell Devil

- Devil Nature: True Devil (Can Make Contracts with Humans in exchange for something from them
Hell Devil! Kill Makima and cast her into Hell
Anti-Makima Squad when they offered their lives to Hell Devil
Hell Devil embodies the fear of Hell. Its only power is that it can send anyone to Hell, but this power is pretty scary as in Hell, there are millions of devils, which embody different fears. His appearance is that of a centaur on fire, except for his mouth, which is always open. The devil form of Hell Devil has made an appearance only once. It usually appears as a six-fingered hand from the sky.
Hell Devil has made contract two times throughout the series: once with Santa Claus and once with the “Anti-Makima Squad”. When against the Pure Chainsaw Devil, Anti-Makima Squad summoned it, but Chainsaw Devil cut it into pieces, sending it back to Hell. Hell devil returned as a six-fingered hand to transport Chainsaw Devil to Hell.
3. Control Devil (Makima | Nayuta)

- Devil Nature: True Devil (Can Make Contracts with Humans in exchange for something from them
Gun Devil! I’ll give you one year of the life spans of the American people. In exchange, I want you to kill Makima- that is.. The control devil
President of America to Gun Devil
Control Devil embodies the fear of conquest. It appears as Makima throughout the Chainsaw Man franchise, and after Makima dies, it is transferred into Nayuta, a little girl. The control devil has never appeared, and Makima has been its wielder throughout Chainsaw Man. This Devil can control anything, be it, humans, animals, birds, and even death.
Since the start of Chainsaw Man, Makima has controlled everything. She knows what will happen next, and only Kishibe knows her original personality. She seduces Denji and makes him her dog, which protects her from everything. The creepy thing about the power of this Devil is that it does not ask for an opinion from its opinion. It makes its opponent speak whatever it wants!
2. Chainsaw Devil |True Form| (Denji)

- Devil Nature: True Devil (Can Make Contracts with Humans in exchange for something from them
The Devils that Chainsaw Man Eats, Their Names are removed from Existence
Makima to Kishibe about Chainsaw Man’s real power
Chainsaw Devil, Pochita, embodies the fear of chainsaws. Throughout the story, this Devil is wielded by Denji. Just as the name sounds, this Devil gives its wielder the ability to pop-up chainsaws from his head and limb regions. But when the true form is achieved, the Devil takes over its wielder and becomes the Chainsaw Devil, the strongest Devil known so far.
The more fearsome ability of this Devil is that it removes the name of any devil that it kills from existence. This is the power that Makima wants to use to create a better world by eliminating the devils of war, famine, etc. Denji, however, does not overthink how big of a power he has and always gets manipulated by others, especially Makima.
1. Darkness Devil

- Devil Nature: True Devil (Can Make Contracts with Humans in exchange for something from them
Far beyond here… Devils far, far dangerous than some Gun Devil… The Devils with the names of the primal fears… Are Watching us… It’s here! The Darkness Devil!!!
Kobeni to everyone, when they are transported to Hell by the Hell Devil.
Darkness devil embodies the fundamental and primitive fear of darkness. Though this Devil appeared for only two chapters, it created an image like none other. Its physical appearance is the most creepy as it comprises three human faces below an expressionless face. It has four arms and four legs, and one pair of his arms hold its cape. Its intense speed is compared to the croaking of a frog.
When the dark Devil appears in front of others, it instantly attacks them as a source of danger. It immediately ripped their hands off when it appeared in front of the Public Safety Officers. Only Makima could attack the Darkness devil, but it healed instantly and attacked Makima with its blade of darkness. And meeting this Devil created aftereffects as power could not settle down even after they escaped Hell. Like something in the dark is calling you!
What are your thoughts on the “Top 10 most powerful devils in Chainsaw Man”? Did we miss your favourite devil from this platform? Let us know in the comment section below. We here at Anime Senpai would love to hear from you.