Petition Created To Delay Jujutsu Kaisen and Save Mappa’s Animators

Jujutsu Kaisen is the most popular anime airing this season, with all the insane fights and storylines that fans are witnessing. However, there is also an outcry from animators about how overworked they have been while working on season 2.

jujutsu kaisen petition

Now, a petition has been created to appeal to Mappa’s founder, Masao Maruyama, asking him to provide better working conditions for Mappa’s animators.

In case you are not aware, for the past month, various animators have tweeted out about the insane working conditions. Although none of these animators directly mentioned Jujutsu Kaisen or Mappa, it is evident from the posts on their timelines that they have been working on Jujutsu Kaisen

So why aren’t they directly pointing out Mappa? Reportedly, Mappa has them signed an NDA (Non-disclosure agreement), so they cannot openly talk about what anime series or studio they are currently working on in their tweets.

jujutsu kaisen petition

The petition “Save Jujutsu Kaisen and their animators from Mappa’s insane working conditions!” created by Benjamin Ng asks Mappa’s founder, Masao Maruyama, to provide better working conditions for the animators.

They demanded three things in their petition:

  • A needed delay for the next few episodes of Jujutsu Kaisen. To allow the animators time to put out great work
  • Better working conditions for the animators. So they can always be at their best and bring their best to the series
  • Realistic time frames for animating a series from here on out. To give the animators some breathing room and prevent burnout.

The petition’s creator expressed concern that the animation quality would suffer and that the animators would resign due to the unbearable workload. This would have a negative impact on other anime projects, such as Chainsaw Man, that share the same staff as Jujutsu Kaisen.

Also Read: All Confirmed Deaths In The Jujutsu Kaisen Manga, So Far

The petition has already garnered over 100 signatures and counting. This is not the first time that Mappa has faced criticism for its treatment of animators. Three weeks ago, another petition was launched with the title “Petition for MAPPA to Stop Violation of Basic Human Rights and Ethical Working Rights”.

While Mappa has not officially responded to the petition, many hope that the studio will take notice and improve the working conditions of its staff. Jujutsu Kaisen is a phenomenal series that deserves the best animation possible, but not at the cost of the health and happiness of the animators.

In case you haven’t already, you can watch the first season and the Jujutsu Kaisen movie 0 on Crunchyroll.

What are your thoughts on Mappa’s treatment of animators? Let us know your opinion in the comment section.


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