“Ayakashi Triangle” is an Ecchi series that started in the Winter of 2023 and was delayed to the Summer of 2023 because of the Pandemic. The first season, having 12 episodes, has finished airing.
Now that the first season is over, fans are wondering if Ayakashi Triangle will get a season 2 in the future. Here is everything we know so far.
Just like TenPuru, “Ayakashi Triangle” is another Ecchi series that aired in the Summer of 2023 and got the attention of mostly the Ecchi fandom. The series followed a unique plot, though, which was definitely a treat for the fans.
Ayakashi Triangle follows the story of Matsuri, a young boy who keeps his childhood friend Suzu, who can attract ayakashi (creatures that devour human life). But as the King of Ayakashi is about to consume Suzu, Matsuri interferes and gets turned into a girl.
So, now he has to find a way to turn back into a boy and sort out his feelings for Suzu, as they are both of the same gender now. “Studio Connect” animated this series, and they are famous for animating series like “Slow Loop” and “Strike the Blood.”
Will “Ayakashi Triangle” get a Season 2?
Ayakashi Triangle season 2 has not been officially announced as of yet. A lucky few anime get a sequel announcement right after the last episode of the previous season airs. Unfortunately, “Ayakashi Triangle” wasn’t one of these series.
The ecchi series also couldn’t make it to the top 10 Highest Rated Anime of Summer Season 2023.
So, things are looking grim for now. But you can keep visiting the official Twitter account of this series for future updates. The next official update on season 2 is expected during Anime Expo 2024, as most anime sequels are announced at that event.
Anime Expo 2024 will take place from July 4 to 7 in Los Angeles.
Ayakashi Triangle season 2 potential release date is Winter 2025 or even later, as the series still needs a 12-18 months period for script planning and production.
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Where To Read Manga After Season 1?
“Ayakashi Triangle” is an anime series based on a manga series of the same name, written and illustrated by Yabuki.
The series completed its serialization today, on September 25, 2023, with 16 volumes released (Yes, the same day the first season ended). The first season adapted four volumes (3 episodes per volume).
So, if you can’t wait for the sequel, you can start reading the source material (manga) from Volume 5. The manga series received an English Serialization from “Seven Seas Entertainment.” So far, five volumes have been officially translated, which you can buy on Amazon.
First Season’s Reception Among Anime Fans
Because “Ayakashi Triangle” was an Ecchi series, it received an average reception among anime fans.
On popular online platforms, it received average ratings like on MyAnimeList (6.2/10), AniList (6.1/10), and IMDB (6.3/10). And it was ranked 36th at its best position on Anitrendz‘s Weekly Popularity Polls.
Surprisingly, anime fans adored the character designs of this series, because of which this anime series received five modeled figurines for its main characters “Matsuri,” and “Suzu.”
The figurines will be released between May 27, 2024, and January 22, 2025.
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“Ayakashi Triangle” Manga Series Sales
“Ayakashi Triangle” is based on a manga series of the same name. In order to make sure that the sequel to the anime happens, the manga sales must increase during the anime airing period.
Oricon’s Top 30 Highest Selling Manga Series in September and Amazon’s Top 50 Highest Selling Mystery, Thriller, and Crime Manga Series didn’t feature this manga series. So, the sales of Ayakashi Triangle didn’t increase exponentially, locally and internationally.
So, the only thing left that will decide whether this series will get a sequel are the anime sales, which are in the form of Blu-ray & DVD box set sales. “Ayakashi Triangle” Blu-ray & DVD box set will go on sale as six volumes from September 27, 2023.
Streaming Service for Watching This Anime
Crunchyroll is the only global streaming platform airing “Ayakashi Triangle” right now.
So, you can count on this streaming platform to stream the sequel of this series if it gets announced.