Blue Lock Chapter 234 Spoilers and Raw Scans: Kaiser and Isagi Teamed Up!

Blue Lock chapter 234 spoilers and raw scans have surfaced online. The series is published in a different magazine from other mega-hit series like Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, My Hero Academia, etc., so the release time for Blue Lock spoilers can differ from the other manga.

Blue Lock chapter 234 spoilers

The norm for Blue Lock spoilers release is every Friday, or sometimes, with a little delay, they can be pushed back to Saturday.

In this article, we will be covering the latest available spoilers for the next installment of Blue Lock, i.e., chapter 234.

Although you might have read the previous chapter, here is a concise recap so you have a fresh outlook on the significant events from the previous chapter before we dive into the spoilers!

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Blue Lock Chapter 233 Recap:

The previous chapter of Blue Lock focused on the mysterious footballer, Hiori Yo.

Not much was known about Hiori before, but with the help of chapter 233, we got an insight into his past and, most importantly, his reason for participating in the Blue Lock project.

Cutting back to the field, Hiori is fascinated by the play style of Isagi, and as he is taking on the monsters of Ubers Italy alone, it fires up Hiori even more.

He wants to help him become the King of The Field successfully; dethroning the long time holder of the pseudonym, Barou.

The match continues, and Isagi struggles against Ubers as he takes on them alone. Lorenzo arrives to dribble the ball away. Barou is standing in the Penalty area, and before Lorenzo can pass the ball toward him, Hiori shuts Lorenzo down.

Chapter 233 ends with Hiori discovering his ego, and the chain holding him back forever breaks.

Now, without further ado, let’s look at the Blue Lock chapter 234 spoilers!

Blue Lock Chapter 234 Spoilers:

According to the spoilers of ch 234, the chapter will be titled “Producer” and begins with Hiori leading the charge against Ubers Italy with his ‘buddy,’ Isagi.

Hiori is willing to do anything to help Isagi score a goal for their victory.

Continuing from the previous chapter, Hiori intercepted Lorenzo’s pass and managed to dribble the ball away. Isagi appreciates his efforts and realizes that Hiori has finally filled the missing hole in their team’s defense.

Dribbling the ball away, Hiori has just crossed Sendo, and even Sendo is surprised at how smooth Hiori’s dribble is.

Niko arrives at the back and tries to steal the ball from Hiori but instantly fails. Isagi runs towards Niko and will serve as Hiori’s defender.

Hiori predicts the moment when Isagi will try to score the goal as he is serving as the “Key” for Isagi and will witness the birth of a hero if he can successfully help Isagi score.

Hiori is fired up more than ever and manages to get past other players of Ubers.

After locking the position from where they will score the goal, Hiori proceeds to pass the ball to Isagi. Isagi is surprised by how accurate Hiori’s passing is, but Lorenzo arrives to steal the ball before they can do anything.

However, Isagi already predicted his move and kicked the ball away before Lorenzo could do anything, and it went over him. Instantly, Kaiser charges in and takes the ball away.

The pace changer is here: Kaiser Impact vs Isagi’s Direct Shot.

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Both of them shot simultaneously, but Barou was standing in front of the goalpost, and he blocked it with ‘King Block.’

Isagi and Hiori rethought their strategy, and even though their image was perfect, they could not predict Kaiser’s unorthodox moment.

The chapter ends with Barou blocking the goal, and chapter 235 will be titled “The Meaning of Being Born.”

Where To Read Blue Lock?

Blue Lock is only available to read in physical form with the Weekly Shonen Magazine, released every Wednesday, and in tankobon volumes.

The English localizations for the tankobon volumes are provided by Kodansha US to make it easier for everyone.

Blue Lock Chapter 234 will be officially released on Wednesday, September 27, 2023!

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