Fire Force manga has ended its 6 years of serialization on February 22 after releasing the final chapter of the manga in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. It was previously confirmed by the author that the manga series will end in a few chapters.
Fire Force manga series is written and drawn by Atsushi Ohkubo. The author started the manga serialization in September 2015. After publishing 304 chapters of the manga, the series ended on February 22 with the release of the final chapter. Manga chapters are collected in 32 volumes, and it is expected that there will be 2 more volumes to cover the remaining chapters.
Other manga authors from Shonen Jump including Hiromu Arakawa (Fullmetal Alchemist), and Ken Wakui (Tokyo Revengers) revealed celebratory illustrations of Fire Force characters.
The series also received an anime adaptation from David Production studio in 2019, which had a total of 24 episodes. The 2nd season of the Fire Force also had 24 episodes which aired in 2020.
The official Twitter account of the Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine also shared lead color page for the series:
The city of Tokyo is plagued by a deadly phenomenon: spontaneous human combustion! Luckily, a special team is there to quench the inferno: The Fire Force! The fire soldiers at Special Fire Cathedral 8 are about to get a unique addition. Enter Shinra, a boy who possesses the power to run at the speed of a rocket, leaving behind the famous “devil’s footprints” (and destroying his shoes in the process). Can Shinra and his colleagues discover the source of this strange epidemic before the city burns to ashes?
©Atsushi Ohkubo, KODANSHA