Today, August 31, marks the highly-anticipated release of the One Piece live-action series on Netflix. Produced by Tomorrow Studios, this adaptation brings Eiichiro Oda’s iconic manga to life. However, within just a few hours of its release, the initial ratings are already generating a lot of buzz.
On IMDb, a popular online database for movies and TV shows, the first episode, “Romance Dawn,” has garnered an impressive rating of 9.3 out of 10.
Interestingly, the ratings appear to be polarized, with scores mostly falling into either the 10 out of 10 or 1 out of 10 categories. This suggests that viewers are rushing to rate the series without actually watching it—a trend that continues across all eight episodes of the live action.
Considering that binge-watching the entire series would take at least seven and a half hours, it’s unlikely that these early ratings reflect genuine opinions. Even the final episode, “Worst in the East,” has received high scores just hours after the series went online, mostly ranging between 10 and 1.
This pattern of extreme ratings indicates that the show is experiencing review bombing from both its supporters and detractors. They seem to be rating the series prematurely, without giving it a fair watch.
Also Read: Top 10 Highest Rated One Piece Episodes on IMDb
Over on Rotten Tomatoes, the audience score stands at a robust 93%. However, the Tomatometer, which aggregates critics’ reviews, has yet to be unveiled.
As the weekend approaches, we can expect a more accurate representation of the series’ quality when a broader audience has the opportunity to watch it.
It’s worth noting that this isn’t just any adaptation. The One Piece live-action series is one of Netflix’s highest-budget productions and has the full backing of series creator Eiichiro Oda.
Not only is Oda overseeing all the content, but he has also seemingly put the manga on the back burner to promote the series. This level of involvement from the creator himself sets the bar high for the show.
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Source: IMDb