RUMOUR: WIT Studio’s Upcoming Anime to Feature DC Characters

Fan of anime and superheroes? Good news WIT Studio has got something special for you!

wit studios x warner bros

Isekai anime have taken the world by storm with some amazing recent titles like Mushoku Tensei and That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime.

Along with some other…not so amazing titles. There have been some creative series with characters getting reincarnated as the wildest things and in the most random places. But WIT Studios is looking to do something no Isekai has ever done before, bring in superheroes! And DC Heroes, at that!

Earlier in the month, Wit Studios and Warner Bros Japan announced that they’ll be revealing a new anime original isekai at Anime Expo 2023. Teasing at the end of the announcement that the new title will feature some “familiar faces.”

But thanks to Twitter user @SugoiLITE, we won’t have to wait till then as they’ve confirmed that the “familiar faces” will indeed be from DC!

Now this could mean a number of things as DC does own quite a few characters, so don’t get your hopes up for a Batman or Superman feature, though it is possible!

Aside from the featuring of some “familiar faces” we know next to nothing of this upcoming WIT Studio isekai, but with what we know so far it’s sure to be an interesting series that we here at Anime Senpai will keep a close eye on. More details to come in July!

Until then, if you are a fan of this crossover between superheroes and anime, you should definitely check out Spider-Man: Across The Spiderverse’s new spinoff manga! And for even more Anime, Manga, and everything in Japan check out our homepage for new articles daily!

What are your thoughts on this upcoming collaboration? Let us know your opinion in the comment section below.

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